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Using your data

Exploiting your data 

- Understanding data, metadata, and associated documentation (samples, methodology, code dictionaries...)
- Choice of statistical methods

Using data-processing software 

Advice and support for:
- Statistical data analysis with
SAS© and SPSS©
- Lexical analysis of text corpora with Alceste© and Lexico
- Mapping analysis with MAPINFO©
- Training in online data tabulation (e.g.,Nesstar©)

Group training

Group training sessions on methodological issues or specific software can be organised on request. 

personag Seminars and Summer Schools

Seminars in France
Rencontres de statistique appliquée - INED

A seminar on applied statistics that is regularly hosted by INED's Statistical Methods department.

R à l'usage des sciences sociales EHESS-INED
The purpose of this seminar is to provide an opportunity to exchange views, ideas and experiences on R, the free, open-source, cross-platform statistical computing software.

Les cafés de la statistique - Société Française de Statistique
Public debates and discussions to promote a better understanding of how statistics can shed light on major societal issues.

Réutilisation des enquêtes qualitatives en sciences sociales - bequali
A seminar to reflect on methodological issues arising out of the reuse of qualitative survey data in the social sciences
Summer schools


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