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JuriLog Workshop

JuriLog Workshop Poster



Lundi, 19.05.2014

9h30. Accueil

10h. Sébastien Magnier & Juliette Sénéchal: “Ce que Leibniz apporte à la compréhension de la condition“

11h. Juliele Sievers : “Legal Validity and Normative Content”

12h. Pause

14h. Fosca Mariani : “Meurtre sur la voie Appia. Le pro milone de Cicéron”

15h. Karlheinz Hülser : "Juri-Phil. Ulpianus on the relation between jurisprudence and philosophy"

16h. Pause

16h30. Réunion Projet JuriLog


Mardi 20.05.2014

9h30. Accueil

10h. Giuliano Bacigalupo : "Towards a General Theory of Legal Fictions"

11h. Bettine Jankowski : “The role of Roman and Saxon Law in Leibniz' early work”

12h. Pause

14h. Rainhard Bengez : “Human Dignity & Privacy, Data & Logic: How to encapsulate data & strengthen privacy”

15h. Shahid Rahman : “What is wrong about Pereleman-Toulmin's opposition between Legal Reasoning and Logic?”

16h. Pause

16h30. Discussion: Projet JuriLog2 et Publications


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