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New Developments in Law and Logic



Tuesday, 25 November 2014

19:30                     Meeting and Welcome-Dinner at Restaurant Münsterhof


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

9:00-9:30             Welcome

9:30-10:30           John Woods, “Logic and the Law”

10:30-11:00         Coffee Break

11:00-12:00         Jan-Reinard Sieckmann “A Logical Framework for Autonomous Reasoning”

12:00-14:00         Lunch at Restaurant La Piazza

14:00-15:00         Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet, “Légitimation de la norme et procéduralisation du droit”

15:00-16:00         Virginie Fiutek, “Probative Force and Value: a Matter of Trust”

16:00-16:30         Coffee Break

16:30-17:30         Markus Winkler, “Mos geometricus: from Euclidean Geometry towards Codified Legal Systems”

19:00                     Conference Dinner at Weinstube Zum guten Hirten


Thursday, 27 November 2014

9:00-10:00           Giovanni Sartor, “How Can We Influence or Coerce Free Agents? A Logical Model for a Leibnizian Approach to the Paradox of Interpersonal Causality”

10:00-10:30         Coffee Break

10:30-11:30         Antonino Rotolo, “Strategic Argumentation in the Law”

11:30-12:30         Henry Prakken, “Argument Schemes for Factor-Based Legal Reasoning”

12:30-14:30         Lunch at Restaurant Bürgerstuben

14:30-15:30         Matthias Armgardt, TBA

15:30-16:30         Karlheinz Hülser,  “The Relation Between Justice and Jurisprudence – Reflections as Navigated by Ulpianus“

16:30-17:00         Coffee Break

17:00-18:00         Sébastien Magnier and Juliette Sénéchal, "Leibniz au chevet de la condition suspensive du droit civil français"

19:00                     Conference Dinner at Hotel Barbarossa



Friday, 28 November 2014

9:00-10:00           Shahid Rahman, Johan Granström and Ansten Klev, “The Protagoras-Euathlos Paradox and the Logic of Legal Reasoning”

10:00-10:30         Coffee Break

10:30-11:30         Olivier Roy, TBA

11:30-12:30         Thomas Piecha, “Implications as Rules”

12:30-14:30         Lunch at Restaurant Chez Leon

14:30-15:30         Giuliano Bacigalupo, “Some Remarks on Realism and Fictionalism about Legal Normativity”

15:30-16:00         Coffee Break

16:00-17:00         Pierre Brunet, “Raisonnement juridique et critiques du modèle syllogistique”

17:00-17:30         Final Discussion

17:30-18:00         JuriLog Project – Evaluation and Results

18:30-19:30         Visit of the Weinachtsmarkt Konstanz

19:30                     Conference Dinner at Restaurant Konzil


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