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Teaching and dissemination

Teaching and dissemination are at the heart of her professional practice, since 1993 and her first lectures in the University when 25 years old, as Assistant in the Panthéon-Sorbonne University during doctoral studies.

During her early years she has focused on archaeological methods and wrote with colleagues a guide aimed at students, published first in 2002 (Demoule and al.), which is now in its fourth edition. She never abandonned this topic of methodology and still insists recently in lectures, conferences or publications about the specificity of the methodology to apply to ancient metallurgy (IV-2015 b, d, e, f).

She teaches all levels of the university curriculum from undergraduate’s degree to the supervision of doctoral theses in European Prehistoroy and protohistory. Her degrees courses focus on European Protohistory (from the Neolithic to the end of the later iron Age), on Archaeological methodology (including the Palaeoenvironnment), on the links betwwen archaeology and anthropology, on archaeological museology and on funeral archaeology. In lectures,

She teaches at all levels of the university curriculum from Master’s degree to the supervision of doctoral theses in European Prehistory and Protohistory. Her degree courses focus on European Protohistory (from the Neolithic to the end of the later Iron Age), on archaeological methodology (including the palaeoenvironment), on the links between archaeology and anthropology, on archaeological museology and on funerary archaeology. In lectures the themes are more specifically metallurgy, specialised crafts in ancient societies, the history and epistemology of archaeology and the dissemination of archaeological knowledge.

She also includes the dissemination of archaeological knowledge to the general public through open talks or leaflets/publications, including a young audience [pdf livret visite 2007 et 2012] with regular interventions in classes at primary and secondary schools. To educate the citizens of tomorrow in archaeology was one of the motivations which led to the creation of an education kit in three languages (including a teachnig guide) dedicated to the Bronze Age in the Transmanche zone and archaeology and its methods more generally. The experience built up over 20 years, combining teaching and research provided the foundation for a synthetic work on Early Europe, currently in press. (I-2015, Belin éditions).

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