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Anne Lehoërff        

Anne Lehoërff is professor of Protohistory (later European Prehistory : Neolithic to Iron Age) at Lille University, France and researcher at HALMA-UMR 8164. She has collaborated on excavations in France, Italy and England and her main archaeological field is the laboratory of archaeometallurgy.

Specialising in the archaeometallurgy of ancient copper alloys, she carried out a series of analytical laboratory studies on the analysis at the Louvre laboratoty in Paris, and in Dijon before setting up her own laboratory at the University of Lille - UMR 8164 (the Laboratoire d’Étude des alliages cuivreux anciens, LEACA). Here she focuses on the analysis of European Bronze Age vessel and weapons from the European in the context of the study of warfare. She is currently conducting research into the metal hoards of this period.

Particulary interested in issues related to history and epistemology of archaeology from the 19th century, she studies the historical development of Prehistory in Europe, the place of ‘Protohistory’ and the establishment of academic institutions for Archaeology in Europe.

Her interest in exchange and mobility in relationship to strategic materials and process led her to take the post of Senior co-ordinator of the international project ‘BOAT 1550 BC’ (2011-2014), in which, involted the organisation of an international exhibition in 3 countries, the construction of a boat replica, an experimental archaeology, 2 international scientific conferences, long with many public lectures and various publications.

Member of the Institut Universitaire de France in 2005 (as a ‘junior researcher’), she has been involted for years in the different institutions and councils for archaeology and academic organisations. Assistant officer in the Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche for Archaeology, between 2013-2015, she fulfils this function for the presidence of the Conseil National de la Recherche archéologique (CNRA).

Key words: European protohistory/late prehistory, Bronze Age, copper alloy metallurgy, history and epistemology of archaeology