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Par-delà l'horizon, sociétés en Manche et mer du Nord, il y a 3 500 ans, (dir.) A. Lehoërff, (collab.) J. Bourgeois, P. Clark, M. Talon, Catalogue de l’exposition (Boulogne-sur-Mer, Musée-Château, 30 juin 2012 - 05 novembre 2012 – Erfgoedcentrum de Ename, 16 décembre 2012 - 30 mai 2013 – Douvres, Musée de Douvres, 1er juillet – 30 décembre 2013), Paris : Somogy éditions d'art, 168 p. ISBN : 9782 7572 05 198.

Adams, J 2007 "Joined-up boats: maturing maritime archaeology", Antiquity, 81 (311), 217–220

Clark, P (ed) 2004a The Dover Bronze Age boat, with illustrations by Caroline Caldwell, Swindon: English Heritage

Clark, P 2005 "Shipwrights, sailors and society in the Middle Bronze Age of NW Europe", Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 5, 87–96

Clark, P (ed) 200bc The Dover Bronze Age boat in context: Society and water transport in prehistoric Europe, Oxford: Oxbow books

Clark, P 2008 "One step at a time: The Dover Bronze Age boat experimental research programme", in M-J Springmann and H Wernicke (eds), Historical Boat and Ship Replicas: Conference-Proceedings on the Scientific Perspectives and the Limits of Boat and Ship Replicas,Torgelow 2007, Maritime Kulturgeschichte von Bodden- und Haffwewässern des Ostseeraumes, Friedland: Steffen Verlag, 29–38

Clark, P 2009 "Bronze Age Connections: Cultural contact in Prehistoric Europe", Oxford: Oxbow Books

Coates, J 2005a "Early seafaring in northwest Europe: Could planked vessels have played a significant part?", The Mariner’s Mirror, 91 (4), 517–530

Coates, J 2005b "The Bronze Age Ferriby Boats: Seagoing Ships or Estuary Ferry Boats?", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 34 (1), 38–42

Crumlin-Pedersen, O 2003 "British Bronze-Age Finds", in O Crumlin-Pedersen and A Trakadas (eds), Hjortspring: A pre-Roman Iron-Age Warship in Context, Ships and Boats of the North, 5, Roskilde: Viking Ship Museum, 211–218

Crumlin-Pedersen, O 2006 "The Dover Boat – a Reconstruction Case-Study", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 35 (1), 58–71

Crumlin-Pedersen, O and McGrail, S 2006 "Some Principles for the Reconstruction of Ancient Boat Structures", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 35 (1), 53–57

Fenwick, V 2006 "Introduction", in Keeping up with the Dover Boat: IJNA’s Track Record, Oxford: Blackwell, 1–9

McGrail, S 2006a "The Dover Bronze Age Boat", Antiquaries Journal, 86, 417–419

Needham, S 2006 "Networks of Contact, Exchange and Meaning: the Beginning of the Channel Bronze Age", in S Needham, K Parfitt and G Varndell (eds), The Ringlemere Cup: Precious Cups and the Beginning of the Channel Bronze Age, British Museum Research Publication, 163, London: British Museum Press, 75–81

Roberts, O 2006a "Interpretations of Prehistoric Boat Remains", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 35 (1), 72–78

Roberts, O 2006b "The Dover Boat: Steady as She Goes!", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 35 (2), 334

Samson, A 2006 "Offshore finds from the Bronze Age in North-Western Europe: The Shipwreck Scenario revisited", Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 25 (4), 371–388

Sanders, D 2007 "The Dover Boat; some responses to Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and Seán McGrail, concerning its propulsion, hull form, and assembly and some observations on the reappraisal process", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 36 (1), 184–192

Ward, C 2005 "Dover Bronze Age Boat", The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 34 (2), 347–348



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Qu'est-ce que BOAT 1550 BC ?

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BOAT 1550 BC est le nom du projet de valorisation lié à la découverte, en 1992 dans le port de Douvres, d'un très ancien bateau de l'Âge de bronze...

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