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Univ Lille 3   Logo blackUniversité Sciences humaines et sociales - Lille 3 (Leadpartner)

Founded in 1896, the University of Lille was divided into three campuses in 1968: Lille 1 (Science and Technology); Lille 2 (Law and Medicine) and Lille 3 (Arts and Humanities), with around 65,000 students. The site of Lille 3 has around 18,000 students and over 800 teachers providing a very diverse range of courses and international collaborations with over 120 universities worldwide. Archaeology has been taught since its inception, though it has diversified considerably. A ‘Learning Centre’ focussed on Egyptology and Archaeology should soon see the light of day.

MESHS LogoblackMaison européenne des sciences de l’homme et de la société / MESHS (Co-Leadpartner)

Founded in 2008, the MESHS is a research unit supported by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the universities of the Nord - Pas-de-Calais and Picardy regions in Northern France. It also belongs to French Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Research Institute’s National Network. MESHS is situated in Lille, an ideal location for fostering European and international partnerships. Through its partnerships with local research centres, MESHS frames regional research in most SSH disciplines.

CAT LogoblackCanterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT)

Created in 1975 with around 55 staff, the principal purpose of CAT as set out in its Memorandum and Articles of Association is ‘to promote the advancement of public education in field of archaeology’. The Trust is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of archaeological knowledge and actively engaging all sectors of the community in its work so that the citizens of Kent as well as visitors from elsewhere may enrich their quality of life through a better appreciation of our mutual heritage. CAT carried out the excavation of the boat in Dover in 1992.

INRAP LogoblackInstitut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (INRAP)

Established in 2002 under legislation relating to preventive archaeology (2001), INRAP has over 2,000 employees.The Institute ensures, at a national level, the detection and study of archaeological heritage affected by planning development. It disseminates information to the scientific community and contributes to cultural diffusion and the promotion of archaeology to the public. It also collaborates in a number of international projects. Since the development of preventive archaeology, INRAP has carried out a large number of interventions in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais which has revitalised our understanding of the region’s history.

CCCU LogoblackCanterbury Christ Church University (CCCU)

Established in 1962, Canterbury Christ Church University has about 20,000 students spread over a number of sites.  Educational Science holds a key place. Archaeology is taught in collaboration with other institutions in Kent, notably the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. CCCU has long-standing links with Canterbury Archaeological Trust through the Faculties of Education and Arts and Humanities. The university has flourishing links with universities, national governments and non-government organisations across the world and has a long track-record of partnership on research and development work funded by the European Union

Univ Gent LogoblackGhent University

Created in 1817, with 32 000 student, the Ghent university has more than 130 departments across 11 faculties, offering high-quality research-based educational programmes in virtually every scientific discipline. Every year Ghent University issues more than 8,500 internationally recognised Bachelor’s diplomas, Master’s diplomas, post-graduate diplomas and approximately 430 doctoral degrees. Archaeology in Ghent has an important place in Flanders with different collaborations in Europe with archaeologists and Universities

CG62 LogoblackConseil Général du Pas-de-Calais

The Departmental Centre for Archaeology was established in 1986 as part of the Conseil Général du Pas-de-Calais. With a staff of 29, the centre works for the conservation and enhancement of the department’s archaeological heritage, including a very active programme of outreach with schools and the public.  Since 2007, when it received its license for preventive archaeology, it has concentrated on the survey, study and promotion of the archaeological heritage affected by planning development.

Boulogne sur mer LogoblackVille de Boulogne-sur-Mer

Boulogne museum was established in 1825 and moved in 1988 to the old Count’s Castle, a listed historical building. The château Musée of Boulogne-sur-Mer has the status of museum in France ; as such, it has a responsibility to conserve, restore, study and enrich its collections. Antiquities and local archaeology are displayed in temporary exhibitions mounted regularly. These events always include an outreach element which ensures equal access for all to culture. The archaeological service of the town, established in 1990, carries out excavation programmes, publishes the results and works closely with the museum in organising exhibitions.



Par-delà l'horizon, l'exposition archéologique multisensorielle, grand public et familiale...

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Qu'est-ce que BOAT 1550 BC ?

Logo Boat1550BC

BOAT 1550 BC est le nom du projet de valorisation lié à la découverte, en 1992 dans le port de Douvres, d'un très ancien bateau de l'Âge de bronze...

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