The passion about amateur history on the Greek web during the current economic crisis

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41min 09s

DHnord2017. (Dé)construire l'histoire numérique | (De)constructing Digital History 
Retrouvez le programme du colloque :

 L’histoire, les historiens et l’internet (1) 
 History, Historians and the Internet (1) 

The passion about amateur history on the Greek web
during the current economic crisis

par Panagiotis Zestanakis (Université de Crète)
Modération | Chair : Mareike König (Institut historique allemand Paris | German Historical Institute Paris)


During the current economic crisis Greeks have increasingly started debating the recent past. The online discussions are not limited to political history but touch fields such as the history of gender relations, the history of Europeanization and consumption politics.

This trend was expressed in social media groups, forum threads etc..

This presentation examines this willingness for the production of amateur history, the characteristics and the motivation of this creativity arguing that this historical production relates to the crisis twofold: first, it is the outcome of an increasing nostalgia about a more prosperous, safer and optimist recent past. Second, explores how this ‘historical creativity’ can be explained as a consequence of the recent politicization of the public space formulating suggestions on how aspects of the recent past are used as material in the formulation of arguments justifying choices in the present.

Finally, drawing on the assumption that visual material plays a key role in the formulation of communities discussing contemporary history the presentation questions the role of images in the construction of such narrations.

Co-organisation :
Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) de l'université du Luxembourg
Le colloque jouit du soutien du Conseil régional des Hauts-de-France et de la Plateforme universitaire de données de Lille (PUDL).

Dernières ressources mises en ligne
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